Tag Archives: musings

Just a Hello..

2 Jun

We are in some strange times here. I need to keep my political opinions to myself. But I do feel a little cramped.

Mind you I am getting older, just had my 57th birthday and that is only 3 years from 60 for those of you who are like me and can’t believe you are this old!!

The year or number doesn’t really matter.  We are just ourselves right?

Enjoying this beautiful spring weather in Northeastern Ohio.

Enjoying the Thankfulness this pandemic, and all its changes have caused me to reflect on..

Time with my children, don’t take it for granted!

God’s provision for our small businesses through this time.  We are so thankful that we haven’t had to use the government money at this time.  That is amazing!  We did use our stimulus check, but I mean other agencies and services.  With what happened to my husband, my brain has resembled overcooked oatmeal, I couldn’t imagine all the forms I would have had to fill out.

My husband is alive after a fall from a three story barn roof on April 9, 2020 (the day of infamy!)  He actually slid from the third story down and off at ONLY 2 stories..sailed 20 feet from the barn and landed on his feet! Which promptly both broke.

The outcome of that fall could have been very different, extremely thankful for his life being spared.

Yesterday I had two private sewing lessons, and my little 10 year old student was so fun! She talked more than she sewed, it was so cute!!

The riots that are breaking out all over our country are very sad, shameful how we are capable of treating each other, but a bright spot was today at the Ohio BMV we stood in line and just chatted around with all the others waiting for services..one on one we look at each other, we are also equally capable with God’s love to love each other. Share a smile, a laugh, a joke.  All walks of life can be found at a BMV we all bleed the same color, and we all need to follow the rules to drive our cars in Ohio.

Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God, he that loveth not knoweth not God for God IS love …God is love..God is love..if we want to imitate God..let us love.. I could talk about how love isn’t always gushy..but I think I may just say that love does include respect for our neighbor and their property. One last wise truth from God’s Word..

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you..Some know it as the golden rule..But it is originally from our Creator.

Just musing, just full of thankfulness for the light of the sun and the light of the Son..


Updating our website..

29 Apr

Taking some time today to evaluate our life and our sewing business.  Not there yet, but evaluating is a good thing, prioritizing, soul searching.

Spring and new life is energizing and after being sick for many months and actually having any creative juices flow is an extreme blessing and really makes me picture the sap coming up the tree to push out the beautiful flowers and leaves for us to enjoy all summer.

Infusion of hope, hope for life, for growth…Thankful for this..



Sewing therapy

7 Apr

Sew much time has passed.

So many moments..Looking forward..have recently had enough energy and creative juices to create.

Very thankful for that. Health is a gift that should not be taken for granted.

Some bucket list items I worked on the last 2 weeks. I am also enjoying quilting.

Along with home educating the children..my life is full.  Enjoy your day!

Sewing for my daughter…

16 Nov

A week ago my youngest daughter came to me and said “Mom, I need some church dresses, mine are getting too short.”  So Monday I got up thinking, “today is my chance”…

I cut out 3 dresses and 1 pair of ruffle pants and went up and did some school with the children, Olivia and Victoria shelled some of them for me and I finished them up Monday afternoon.

Now she has 3 church dresses for winter…

This used up the fabric I had for a dress on our Etsy site.  There are ruffle pants to keep her warm when it gets colder.

 This one is a knot jumper of 21 wale corduroy.  She likes this one!

This one is also a knot jumper, but she wanted a peek-a-boo pleat in the front.

The fabric for this one is from Free Spirit Fabrics, we have many items on our website out of these fabrics.  I think the sewing went fast because we are so familiar with these patterns we have a system down for making these dresses.

That is a good thing.  I’m hoping to make my husband and I  a bed spread soon.  I have gotten started, we’ll see how it goes, I’m going to do some quilting on it, machine quilting, new territory it definitely won’t be done quickly 🙂

It is bitter sweet to have my little girl be growing up.  I’ll repeat what you hear all the old timers say… Enjoy them, they grow up too soon!!  I’m a first hand witness!

This mama needs more growing up grace…


The Lord is my strength…

25 Aug

The Lord is my strength and song, He also has become my salvation…

These words, are God’s from the Holy Bible,  He can not lie…

I am holding on today…Some times life seems so overwhelming, some times it is imagined, some times the load is really REALLY heavy,  I have seen these times in my life.  Today I struggle to be bright, I want to shine for Jesus, but my lantern glass is smudged with fatigue, and a terrible summer cold and cough, a house turned upside down, because my dear husband brought me the gift last night of a dining room set that is gorgeous, but I do not need, my house doesn’t fit it.

I don’t want to hurt his feelings, it is a style, Queen Anne, that I have always loved, and we actually had one  when we first got married.  We had to sell it because we needed to pay our bills.  He has always felt bad about that.  So, now I have another one.  He wants me to think about it.  I will think about it.  I will pray and ask God to show us what to do about it.  I will pray to be gracious.  I will pray for thankfulness, I will pray for the strength to rearrange my already full house!

My house is full of children which is the greatest treasure I have.  Furniture is needed for functioning, but too much is cluttered and I want my treasures to feel comfortable and that there is room for them.  I also don’t want to be fussy about taking care of the white seats on the gorgeous chairs 🙂

Lord, teach me in this circumstance… Help me to sing and learn contentment in what ever state I am in.  Help me to be wise and gentle.  And help me to get my sewing orders done today in my overturned sewing room.  Thank you that I can look to you in even seemingly silly little problems…Thank you that you care about my need for order.  Thank you for loving me.

My health journey…

23 Jun

Look what I got to have for a snack today!!! :-0

Isn’t that pretty!  My dear daughter tries to present things so pretty, i.e. my grandmother’s china plate, color full and artistic.  Now, the pill is an isa flush from Isagenix.  What I am doing is a cleansing and fat burning system.  In 2007-2008 we lived in Florida and a dear neighbor down the road introduced me to the Isangenix products.

I don’t feel well when I am over weight. I struggle with SAD.  I’m 40 something.  I have 11 wonderful children.  I’ve got to feel well!  So, my dear husband, who was sick of me being sick and tired came home one day about a month ago and said “I called Miss Erma and ordered Isagenix for you.”  Being the sweet, submissive, yielded personality that I am, I said “what? we can’t afford that!!! :-)”  And was secretly glad because it really did help me in Florida, plus I wouldn’t spend that much money on myself!

So, the product arrived, and I started a 30 day cleanse.  There are shake days, where you drink 2 shakes for 2 of your meals, in the a.m. you have an ionix supreme which has vitamins and stuff in it. Then you get two small snacks, and take a pill recommended by them as shown above.  And at lunch a 400-600 calorie meal.   Then with the 30 day program there are 4 cleanse days where you drink your vitamin drink and 4 cleanse drinks and lots of water and that is it!  I must add that because of the organic,  very thorough scientific research put into  the blend of their products, I am actually not really hungry.  My body is getting fed. I am receiving nutrition. Whereas before I would eat all the time and still be hungry and tired and weak.

Tough regime, but my weight was out of hand, and I felt terrible, mentally, emotionally, and physically.   Drum roll please….

As of today, the 29th day, I have lost 15 pounds!  Whoo Hoo!  I have signed up with Isagenix, because it gives me the wholesale price and I want to maintain, so I’ll continue to use some of their products,  just won’t have to be so tough on my self.   I am not where I want to be weight wise, but Oh I feel so much better and such a nice head start!    Here is a link and you can look for your self  if it interests you.  If you have questions for me feel free to ask.   www.chrissistauffer.isagenix.com

Off to have my 400-600 calorie lunch!!


God is always good….

20 Jun

This morning I received an e-mail from a friend whose 3rd born child is scheduled to have a very critical heart surgery…

He was born with a double left ventrical inlet,  he could not live without surgery.

This present surgery is taking place in his 6th month of life.  He is a beautiful, strong little boy, whose life is in the hands of God.  His mother is 29 going on 30, she is a courageous and beautiful young women, Her beauty comes from her reliance on God.  She knows who is keeping her and her husband’s son alive.

She posted a message on her caring bridge site this morning or last night with a link to this song which has been a blessing and reminder to her…  http://youtu.be/4mmgV6mPvb0

If you have heard the song forgive me, if you have not I invite you to listen.  And remember, we serve a God who is always good even though His ways are past our understanding.    As you go about your day please pray for Tommy and Amanda, their children, and little Eli.

Thanking God for being our ever watchful, never sleeping, always good, Father.



21 May

This has been one rough wet spring.  Here are some things I am thankful for:

Some sun, so we can hang our clothes out!

A spot by the creek to rest and rejuvinate…

The creek, it is flowing now because of all the rain, in summer it just trickles…

Little water falls make for soothing sounds…  for these treasures, I am thankful.   I think I’ll go out for a few minutes before coming in to sew.  My first baby girl turns 20 tomorrow….There are adult children here, there are children, there are toddlers….I am thankful for the Lord’s help in this awesome responsibility of raising men and women for Him.  Chrissi

Spring has come…

14 May

Oh how I enjoy seeing the new life!  I enjoy the Creator’s handywork

Hostas and lilac behind…

Hibiscus found at a greenhouse, a birthday gift.

A little kitchen garden with some herbs my son built the little wall to make them a nice height to harvest.

Our sweet woodruff and pink phlox, also a little viola.

A red geranium, grandma’s favorite, and lovely yellow iris.

And some little tomato sprouts my budding organic gardener has started in my sewing room 😦 .   He promises they will be out at the end of May!

Wow,  did you see the variety in God’s creation?  Who is like thee O Lord among the gods?