Tag Archives: health

Sewing therapy

7 Apr

Sew much time has passed.

So many moments..Looking forward..have recently had enough energy and creative juices to create.

Very thankful for that. Health is a gift that should not be taken for granted.

Some bucket list items I worked on the last 2 weeks. I am also enjoying quilting.

Along with home educating the children..my life is full.  Enjoy your day!

My health journey…

23 Jun

Look what I got to have for a snack today!!! :-0

Isn’t that pretty!  My dear daughter tries to present things so pretty, i.e. my grandmother’s china plate, color full and artistic.  Now, the pill is an isa flush from Isagenix.  What I am doing is a cleansing and fat burning system.  In 2007-2008 we lived in Florida and a dear neighbor down the road introduced me to the Isangenix products.

I don’t feel well when I am over weight. I struggle with SAD.  I’m 40 something.  I have 11 wonderful children.  I’ve got to feel well!  So, my dear husband, who was sick of me being sick and tired came home one day about a month ago and said “I called Miss Erma and ordered Isagenix for you.”  Being the sweet, submissive, yielded personality that I am, I said “what? we can’t afford that!!! :-)”  And was secretly glad because it really did help me in Florida, plus I wouldn’t spend that much money on myself!

So, the product arrived, and I started a 30 day cleanse.  There are shake days, where you drink 2 shakes for 2 of your meals, in the a.m. you have an ionix supreme which has vitamins and stuff in it. Then you get two small snacks, and take a pill recommended by them as shown above.  And at lunch a 400-600 calorie meal.   Then with the 30 day program there are 4 cleanse days where you drink your vitamin drink and 4 cleanse drinks and lots of water and that is it!  I must add that because of the organic,  very thorough scientific research put into  the blend of their products, I am actually not really hungry.  My body is getting fed. I am receiving nutrition. Whereas before I would eat all the time and still be hungry and tired and weak.

Tough regime, but my weight was out of hand, and I felt terrible, mentally, emotionally, and physically.   Drum roll please….

As of today, the 29th day, I have lost 15 pounds!  Whoo Hoo!  I have signed up with Isagenix, because it gives me the wholesale price and I want to maintain, so I’ll continue to use some of their products,  just won’t have to be so tough on my self.   I am not where I want to be weight wise, but Oh I feel so much better and such a nice head start!    Here is a link and you can look for your self  if it interests you.  If you have questions for me feel free to ask.   www.chrissistauffer.isagenix.com

Off to have my 400-600 calorie lunch!!
